LSI Micro-Marketing Service India Private Limited

India Consumer Data Solutions



Customer Enrichment


Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND, India Consumer Data, India Consumer Profiling, Income Segmentation India, Customer Enrichment India, Consumer Big Data, Customer Enrichment, Customer Enhancement, Customer Product Profiling, Up-sell Cross-sell Targeting, Target Audience India


MMS.IND can help you to know your individual Customers & Prospects better by appending to each of them:


Monthly Household-level Income


Monthly Spend in Expenditures


Food & FMCG

Healthcare & Medical

Financial Saving



... and more ...


Product Purchase Affinities across 40+ categories 

Automobile Purchase by model and price segment

Real Estate by price segment

Credit Card spend behaviour

Financial Saving Products - Banking 

Financial Saving Products - Insurance

Health Insurance

Food & FMCG Purchase by product type and price segment

Electronic Consumer Goods 

Clothing and Footwear 

Jewellery and Gold

... and more ...


Consumer Lifestyle Affinity Segmentation

Brand Affinities



Read more about the MMS.IND Consumer Enrichment under 'Solutions'


Speak to us about how to append consumer insights to your customers and prospects!




Geospatial Micro-Marketing Solutions 


Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND, Micro-market segmentation India, Market Potential India, Market Segmentation, Market Penetration, Location Analysis India, New Store location Identification, Store location analysis, location analysis
Superimposed own bank branches on micro market territory highlighted by income, identifying uncovered and cannibalised areas.



MMS.IND provides Geospatial Consumer Data Solutions


Residential building precise mapped information about consumer volumes, economic status, spend behaviour for highest analytics quality in use cases, such as:


Identifying Your 'Centres of Gravity' 

Precise location and quantity of your Target Audience -

down to the individual residential building 


Location Analysis for new Sales Points

(Stores, Branches, ATMs, etc.) -

applying granular consumer profile data,

not PIN Code / Locality level summary information 


Store Product Mix

Aligning store / outlet product-mix to exact population & household counts

by income, consumer lifestyle affinity and expenditure behaviour groups

in the location catchment area


Building Sales Prediction Models

Identifying for sales points & territories exact sales potential

in custom catchment areas -

by drive time and location distance analysis


Identifying Risk Cluster for Lending

Down to residential household-precision



Read more about the MMS.IND micro-market segmentation under 'Solutions'


Speak to us how geospatial micro-market segmentation can help your business operations!


Programmatic Digital Advertisement


Use Consumer Income, Expenditure and Product Purchase Affinity Information in your Digital Advertisement in programmatic Destinations, such as

Google DV 360, Trade Desk, Ad Square, Trade Desk, Facebook 


Speak to us about it!





Decision Making Support for total the country

Information available across all 35 States and UT's

Urban and Rural Geographies 


Data available for total India





Know more about our Consumer Data Solutions:

Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND India, market segmentation, market analysis, market potential analysis, market data, consumer micro market segmentation, micro market data India




Selecting across 4,000 data supported Urban cities and towns the right ones to target, and then within the city choosing store locations at a micro-level.


Analyse existing store / branch locations on market potential,  which optimal products to offer, and support of marketing and sales activities and more.

Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND India, consumer segmentation, consumer potential, lifestyle affinity segmentation, income classification, product purchase affinity groups

Find the right

Target Audience


12 Lifestyle Affinity Segments, 10 Income Groups, 09 Expenditure Classes and 40+ Product Purchase affinity Segments.


Analyse your best target groups, identifying through data analytics  which customer lifestyle - income - expenditure combinations are your highest potential sales segments. Identify them in your own customers, prospects and down to building precision in markets.

Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND India, customer segmentation, customer enrichment, up-sell cross-sell targeting, growth on existing customers, client net-worth identification, India consumer income profiling,

Customer - Product Affinities, Right Selling

Profile your own customers and prospects to identify their individual income levels, lifestyle, expenditure behaviour and product purchase affinities.


Run hyper-targeted product campaigns for maximum ROI, infuse segmentation into digital advertisement to reach profile and geolocation precise target groups.

discussing solutions ...

Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND; Rise Mumbai, Innovations in Data and Tech
MMS.IND CEO, Rahoul Anders